Starting from the 2001 BARGE, and retroactive to the 2000 chipset, the BARGE Chip Committee was formed to ensure chipsets were produced every year. Input from the Main Event winners varied from very active to none at all. Starting with 2012, Michael Brennan was the lead designer.
For the previous era, see 1993-2000 chips, and for the subseqent era, see the Michael Brennan era, 2012-2019.
- 2000: The Year of RGP (Produced in 2001. QB made a timely edition previously.)
- 2001: A Poker Odyssey
- 2002: Rocks
- 2003: Presto! in Art and History
- 2004: BARGE Memories
- 2005: Las Vegas Neon
- 2006: Memorial Chips & Don “Gump” images
- 2007: Presto in Everyday Life
- 2008: Pickle Magic
- 2009: IRC Poker
- 2010: Poker Archetypes
- 2011: Reindeer Games